New Year, New Goals, New Prints!!!

2016 will be another year of exciting things planned for our #lullyselbsquad. Before we reveal our plans and collections though, we’d like to pause for a while and start the year right. In order to get the creative juices out to produce our works, it’s a good time to throw away the bad habits and clear the negativity around us. Great ideas can only happen with a clear mind, so these are our resolutions for 2016:

Selma’s New Years’ Resolution

1) Stay Positive

When living in a city like Singapore, the word ‘stress’ is always there. My first resolution is that when things may seem tough, I want to take steps on distressing and making sure I stay positive through it all. I will be listing simple ways to distress in the next “Selb Series” so stay tuned!

2) Getting Things in Control

A lot of things can go out of hand when your mind is messy and the physical environment around you is just as messy. So one of the places I’d like to get started on tidying up is my bedroom! It’s really frustrating when you’re rushing for a meeting in the morning and you grab your jacket but you can’t find your black tank top or that matching shawl! Or you open your wardrobe, stare at it forever but still don’t find anything nice to wear? Sounds familiar? I’m so gonna get organized and refresh my wardrobe! ( Sharing with you ladies on the best way to curate the wardrobe and my progress soon enough… )

3) Think Ahead, Have a Plan, Follow Through

This is self explanatory but being disciplined is definitely key for this one. This is the most important resolution, preparing bigger, exciting things for Lully Selb!!

Lully’s New Year Resolution

1) Get Healthier

For the past few years I have been struggling to hit my healthy BMI range. This year will be it! To get motivated, I thought it would be great to document my weight loss journey in the form of a zine. Here is a sneak peek of my sketch!

2) Ace illustrator skills!

Photoshop has always been my best friend but this year I’m aiming to experiment with other design tools such as Adobe Illustrator. There’s quite a long way to go but I am enjoying every moment of it! So far so good, with the help of kind friends… So YAYY to more awesome prints for Lully Selb!

3) Have quality ME time often

Close friends know that I am always on the run and that I tend to unnecessarily exhaust myself. Let’s strive for whole hearted happiness!

So those are our resolutions for 2016 – what about resolutions for Lully Selb itself? Well definitely more printed collections, varied designs, playing with different materials and listening to our customers on feedback.  We’re working on our SS16 Collection now so here’s a sneak peek!


Lully & Selb

P.S. We would love to hear your resolutions for the new year, tell us in the comments below or tag us on Instagram!

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